The word consists of over 10 words if you translate it in any other language and it refers to the Association for officials subordinated to the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services. Krupp (Kp) – famous German steel producer, manufactured most of the tanks, howitzers and heavy mortars, as well as armour plates for battleships (most famously the Bismarck). berühmt adjective. The German language is estimated to be made out of a total of 300000 words with the largest German dictionary having over 135000 words. By learning the most common German words first you are learning the smart way. Don’t panic, it’s just a word on a word, and the language is well-known for building new, hyper-specific words that express life more perfectly than any English word ever could. However, to the beginner, German words can get overwhelming! The longest German word in history has 79 letters and is “Donau­dampfschiffahrts­elektrizitäten­hauptbetriebswerk­bauunterbeamten­gesellschaft”. Listen closely and you might just get some “Happiness” in your life today: Let's talk pets. known, familiar, acquainted, noted, well-known. As I settled into the barber’s chair and once again attempted to allay my long-held fear of a man with a sharp implement in his hand and questionable politics, I readied my mind. ", "Mondly uses games and gestures to help you learn new languages. Du Bastard! There are many notable and famous Germans who, though now deceased, played a major role in shaping our world through their contributions to science, art, and history. Click play below to listen to the actual pronunciation: Love is a universal feeling and we definitely had to talk about it here. We have also put together some beautiful German words over in our other blog post if you are feeling extra intrigued by the German language. Donkey bridges were shortcuts, bridges built across rivers to transport goods via donkey, just as mental cues are shortcuts to remember something. It’s so confusing that there’s no other way to express your frustration but laugh. Nazi Leader, German Dictator and Chancellor of. German people have a lovely way of saying they love someone or something through the word "Liebe". We are going to talk about cats first or how people in Austria would say: "Katze". Find info on world-famous people of German origin. Learning a new language opens the doors of communication in more ways than one. We've got many, many German insults for you to learn, some of them being common, and some of them being not-so-common German insults. Germans aren’t known for their humour. German is considered to be the language of science and its beauty lies in its words. That’s why our linguists have made listening to natives an essential part of the learning experience. These words will help you feel more confident and make a good first impression. And don’t forget about “Bitte sehr!” and “Nichts zu danken!”. German speakers say “yes” by simply saying "Ja". Browse this section to read all about the famous Germans who helped shape the world. Adolf Hitler. Listen to how it sounds like: But let's not forget our lovely and loyal companions, dogs. For instance, if you were to take apart the German expression Da liegt der Hund begraben (da leekt dêr hoont be- grah- ben) word for word, you’d probably feel sorry for the poor dog, because in essence, it … You will quickly begin to understand many more situations when compared to learning your German vocabulary from random sources. The correct answer is "Deutscher". When it comes to German grammar, you can’t help but laugh at its complex rules and figuring out which article to use for each case. One of the fun things about the German language is how you can build words by simply joining a number of words together, which sometimes means you can get a word that is almost a page long! German is one language that has plenty of words for the gaps that English has neglected to fill. Also, each new word you learn helps you guess the meaning of up to 60 words you have never seen before. Famous Germans. You'll be able to speak to someone from Berlin or Vienna about regular topics like weather, politics or family. ‘Preserving the past’: the struggle to come to terms with the past. It’s basically the struggle to do what we need to when the inner pig-dog just wants a life of idleness. [daŋkə] — Thank you! You have to try our Voice Chatbot, a computer program so advanced you can actually have an intelligent conversation with. Kletterschuh, climbing shoe (mountaineering) Mannschaft, German word for a sports team. German Greetings & Introductions “I do not understand!” – Getting Out Of Sticky Situations; Numbers In German; Visiting A German Restaurant Famous German writers, artists, actors, philosophers and other German celebrities made a great contribution to the development of our civilization. Smiling makes us happy and helps us stay healthy, so that's why we all need to smile every day. To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK", German has created words to perfectly express complex feelings and emotions, When the real world is just not as good as it is in your dreams. Krupp-Daimler (KD) – see Krupp. ‘Peas tally’: what anyone obsessed with details does (like counting their peas) – a control freak even by German standards. ‘Explanation poverty’: a handy word for politicians, cheaters and children who forgot to do their homework. Several individuals have, in the past, made notable contributions to German and world culture or … But for now, let’s get on with some hilarious German words and strange German phrases! 1000 Most Common German Words. Know more about the rich history of German art through its 10 most famous artists and their greatest masterpieces. Kübel – literally, "bucket" or "tub", short for Kübelwagen, open-topped military utility cars. Enhance your understanding by listening to how a person from Austria would pronounce it: Thank you for reading this far or should I say "Thank you" as they say in German. That’s why, on average, a German word has over 10 letters. bekannt adjective. To make it easier for you, I've divided the phrases into different categories. With such words there’s no wonder why the famous American writer, Mark Twain, once joked that “some German words are so long that they even have a perspective.”. 14 March 1879. Vielen Dank! So don’t forget to use these basic German wordsof politeness during a conversation. It’s also the sense of urgency to achieve or do something before it’s too late. I mean, they’re the only words that you really need to know apart from hello, please, goodbye, thank you and beer. This way you will feel great while learning and see how your language knowledge broadens. 1. No more learning random words you will probably never use in real life. German people are proud and honest. Each lesson gets you one step closer to fluency. German may be the most widely spoken language in the European Union, but let's be honest - it's just downright funny sometimes. The word is derived from Greek words “holos” meaning whole and “kaustos” meaning burned. Here are a few of my favourites. All phrases within the app are recorded by professional German speakers so you can sit back and absorb the correct pronunciation of the most common German words effortlessly. [fi:lən daŋk] — Many thanks! This is one of the most known words in German and a great way to start a conversation with someone from Germany. It contains the most important and most frequently used German words. It’s a remarkable technology that made millions of people fall in love with Mondly. Danke schön! Each new German word you learn piles up until your vocabulary builds stronger and stronger. They had to be “cleansed” and for that, he developed a “final solution”, i.e. (Schiller) Ach, wie glücklich sind die Todten – Ah, how happy are the dead! Whether in English or German, Bastard is about bastards…and we’re not talking Jon Snow. This can seem a really big and frightening number to someone wanting to start learning German, but here's the good news: you only need to know roughly 5% of the total words to be fluent in German. This means that focusing your efforts on learning the most common German words you will be fluent in German in no time. Here is how you would pronounce it: Now it is time to smile or how someone from Germany would say "lächeln". Here are charts showing the top 100 most-used German words, and one showing the top 30 most-spoken German words. Now, let’s explore the ultimate goal of learning German: having real conversations. If you are looking for German swear words, curse words and insults, then this is a great place to start! Meet Mondly, one of Apple’s best new apps of 2016 helping millions of people around the world learn a language. One of the fun things about the German language is how you can build words by simply joining a number of words together, which sometimes means you can get a word that is almost a page long! Students of German 101 should get familiar with these words and their forms. renowned, famed, celebrated, noted, legendary. 14. die Sau – Sow. In fact, Germany boasts of having had more Nobel Prizes in the sciences than any other nation in the 20th century. Here's a native speaker thanking you in German: No polite conversation can end without a good old goodbye or "Goodbye" how German people usually say. Famous German Men. Your language learning journey will require some helpful tools and resources to gain fluency. ‘Springtime lethargy’: the general sense of weariness ushered in the springtime, specifically mid-March through mid-April. [daŋkə ʃø:n] — Thank you very much! However, this is one of the most uncommon German words. Since the 20th century, the term has come to describe key processes in the study of post-WWII German literature, society and culture. That’s exactly why we’ve made speaking exercises an essential part of our lessons so you can practice the cool German words you just learned. Another common German swear word with the same effect is Zicke. The German language has a reputation for having some of the longest words in the world. A dog in German is "Hund", a really useful word for dog lovers worldwide. Germany continues to shape the contemporary art scene with artists like Anselm Kiefer and Gerhard Richter being considered among the greatest in the world. Listen to how a German speaker would pronounce it: Yes, we have arrived at number 8 where “yes” is the subject to be discussed. Germany is also home to some of the most beautiful and talented people who adorn the field of fine arts, theatre and films. German words you need to know to build your German vocabulary, Have basic German conversations in no time. Hear it in action here: When there's love, there's definitely happiness. Here's the German pronunciation: Next, let’s see how people in Germany say “German”. Des Teufels liebstes Möbelstück ist die lange Bank. ‘Grief bacon’: the excess weight a person gains from emotional overeating. ‘Staircase joke’: the all too familiar concept of coming up with the perfect response or comeback, which would have given you the deepest sense of satisfaction – if only you’d thought of it at the moment, instead of 10 minutes after the conversation. Now it's time for a delightful German voice to say "Goodbye" to you: Online language courses nowadays are fun, effective, affordable and use the latest technology to teach you a new language. "The drag-and-drop and visuals make it a lot more fun and easy than just reading flashcards. During a breakup or a stressful time, it is not uncommon for a person to put on a bit of kummerspeck. Literal translation: “The devil’s favorite piece of furniture is the long bench.” In German, putting something on the “long bench” means putting it off (etwas auf die lange Bank schieben – another very good addition to your German slang phrases). ", "On Mondly, users can interact using both text input or speech. We roasted French, so now it's time for the German language to have its turn. Politeness costs nothing but gains everything. But fret not, there ARE short and easy German words that are easy to learn and use. Fernweh (Distance pain) Kutte (literally "frock" or "cowl"), a type of vest made out of denim or leather and traditionally worn by bikers, metalheads and punks; in German the word also refers to the clothes of monks. 10 famous German immigrants who changed the world ©dpa / picture alliance Not a lot of people in his native country are familiar with Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (1730 – 1794), but in the US the German-born military officer is a household name: he is considered one of the heroes of the American Revolutionary War of 1775 – 1783. Albert Einstein. The word has “only” 40 characters and it is included in the Guinness Book of World Records as being the longest German word in everyday use. This is the German Core 100 List. Why learn the most unusual words in German when you might never use them in real life? Physicist. It’s another ‘how to learn another language time‘. I had been coming to this barber ever since my follicles first demanded it, but had never satisfactorily fielded his cutting remarks, which, just like his politics, had not become blunted with time. This is particularly true for commercial and Government related terms. This is a list of 100 famous Germans, including statesmen such as: Adenauer, Brandt, Merkel, and cultural figures such as Bach, Goethe and Gutenberg. (Schiller) Michael Schumacher. Since 1945, the word has taken on a horrible new meaning; the mass murder of more than 6 million European Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals, during the Nazi regime. In the case of Adenauer, who served in Bonn as the very first Bundeskanzler, his name comes from a small town very close to Bonn: Adenau, first listed in the records as "Adenowe" (1215). You might want to consider using some of these German terms of endearment for your sweetheart. This will make you confident in your German skills and eager to learn more. Other German expressions are a little harder to figure out. German Celebrities. The word that describes the emotion you’re feeling may actually exist – you’re just searching for it in the wrong language. It’s been proven that you learn any language faster when you hear natives speak. Verpiss dich! 13. 1. It’s the precise moment of getting caught in the act of some untruth or misdeed and trying to make up some sorry excuse. Don’t panic, it’s just a word on a word, and the language is well-known for building new, hyper-specific words that express life more perfectly than any English word ever could. We are all chasing "Glück" as German speaking people would say. In this post, you'll learn 92 basic German phrases and words that will help you on your travels or just at home. The German word can also mean a Carbine firearm. We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements. One of the longest and most common ones is “Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften” which refers to insurance companies providing legal protection. German Swear Words and Insults. And in German, there are a few phrases that use pigs and swines. This time, it’s about learning some of the funny German Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Curses, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives that are out there in Deutsche linguistic land!But you might learn more below! List of famous German men with their biographies that include trivia, interesting facts, timeline and life history. You quickly get immersed in different situations like ordering food in a restaurant, booking a hotel room or having a casual talk with a native speaker you’ve just met. 20 April 1889. – Bastard! Famous People From Germany. ‘Donkey bridge’: a little trick to help memorise something, like a mnemonic device. ‘Distance pain’: the feeling of wanting to be elsewhere; the infinite longing for some place that isn’t where you are now. Racial purity and spatial expansion of the country were Hitler’s twin goal. Here are the top 10 German! German Surnames of the Rich and/or Famous . If you ask someone how they are in German then don’t be surprised if they give you a starkly honest answer! This page includes a list of most common German words along with their English translation. This is mainly because German speakers make use of compound words to express entire sentences. German phrases, words, mottos, and quotes in heraldry, and popular use (with translations) Ach, die Weld is Sterbenden so süss – Ah, the world is so sweet to the dying! Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) - First chancellor of West Germany Many surnames come from a geographic location or town. Top 100 German Words Edited and Ranked by Frequency of Use This refers to the typical German holiday period, which can last three to six weeks in July through August. This means that knowing only 1000 words helps you guess up to 65000 German words. Culture 10 German nicknames to call your sweetheart Is "honey" getting old? If you want to say “Thank you!” in German, use these phrases: 1. Rucksack (more commonly called a backpack in American English) Schuss, … When starting to learn German, it is always a good idea to memorize the most common words first. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. ‘Schnaps idea’: When alcohol does the talking, that idea you came up with while drunk – the one that sounded so good and clever at the time – really, really wasn’t. Our expert linguists have selected the most common German words so you start by learning what’s really important. Starting with the German basics means you will begin by learning the easiest words first and gradually increase difficulty. 2. There are two types of people in the world: cat people and dog people. Danke! ‘Pickle time’: the off-season, when nothing happens because everybody is on vacation. More German words for famous. I knew it would be particularly difficult on this occasion. I was visiting f… The beautiful German word Ohrwurm describes the fact of having a song stuck in your head as if it wriggled itself into your brain through your ear. German is world-famous for its unbelievably long compound words. berühmt. 15. To keep it simple, no one likes being called a pig or a swine. German Translation of “famous” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. One of the longest and most common ones is “Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften” which refers to insurance companies providing legal protection. Crazy, right? The word has “only” 40 characters and it is included in the Guinness Book of World Records as being the longest German word in everyday use. ‘World pain’: happens when we realise the world fails to live up to our expectations – the depression that follows comparing an ideal with an actual. Just engage in a conversation and you get asked questions, you respond and the Chatbot understands what you're saying and continues the chat. What are the most useful German phrases you need to know to successfully navigate everyday life? Start learning German with these words! Let's naturally start with "Hallo" which means "Hello" in German. Organizing the lessons into themes makes learning German words a lot easier by creating powerful associations in your brain. ‘Malicious joy’: reflects happiness derived from somebody else’s misfortune, injury or pain. According to him, Jewish were an inferior race and a threat to Germany’s racial purity. German Translation. ‘Closing-gate panic’: the fear which creeps in with age that time is slipping away, taking any significant opportunities with it. Doesn't seem that frightening now, right? These German phrases will have you laughing for less stressful reasons. Join over 1 million people enjoying our occasional language tips, special offers and more. This makes them a great solution to build your vocabulary. ‘Inner pig-dog’: the gremlin that lives inside most of us, the one who keeps us from getting up on time, going to the gym or finishing our work until the last minute. Here’s one of those long (18 letters, to be exact), intimidating words. Learn the most common 1000 words and you get to a 75% understanding of texts in German. These two expressions are used to say “Y… ", "Mondly encourages its users to practice in everyday scenarios, such as ordering food and drinks in a restaurant.". German Women. Each Mondly lesson revolves around a certain theme or situation: from family to colors to animals or shopping related lessons. What’s even more encouraging is that knowing as little as 100 words helps you understand half of the words in an article or book written in German. 75 % understanding of texts in German then don ’ t forget to use these basic German wordsof politeness a... '' in German, there 's definitely happiness German word in history has 79 and! You can actually have an intelligent conversation with someone from Germany would say: `` Katze.... By German standards to keep it simple, no one likes being called a or! To a 75 % understanding of texts in German in no time people a. On a bit of kummerspeck Kübelwagen, open-topped military utility cars Germany would say lächeln... Technology that made millions of people in the sciences than any other nation in the springtime, specifically through! 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