Looks like getting the sorted occupations works! This test fails due to a NullPointerException on the byline object itself. A client has a long term aem project they have extened with new components and extensive edit dialogs. Copy the following code to the myTestSuite.js file then save the file: new hobs.TestSuite ("Experience Content Test Suite", {path:"/etc/clientlibs/myTests/myFirstTest/myTestSuite.js"}) Remember, just like getName() above, the BylineImplTest.json does not define occupations, so this test will fail if we run it, since byline.getOccupations() will return an empty list. Click the Finish button at the bottom of the wizard to generate the JUnit5 test file. In the past, developers had to manage a relatively large number of individual dependencies to different AEM libraries and when each new API was used, one or more individual dependencies had to be added to the project. Our test file has a number of auto-generated methods. Create the following test methods to test the each of these states. Process to Set up ExtentReport: Install and set up Java on your system. Collections.emptyList(); sets the expected value to an empty list. This plugin provides many features that make AEM development quicker and easier. To view these dependencies, open the Parent Reactor POM at aem-guides-wknd/pom.xml, navigate to the .. and ensure the following dependencies are defined: Open aem-guides-wknd/core/pom.xml and view that the corresponding testing dependencies are available: A parallel source folder in the core project will contain the unit tests and any supporting test files. Add the following new test method to BylineImplTests.java. The result of the Maven JspC Plugin can also be bundled and deployed as part of an OSGi Bundle, but this has other implications and side effects and goes beyond our goal of validating the JSPs. To setup AEM instance we used Gradle AEM Multi-Project Example. It is also possible to configure these repositories in your Maven settings.xml file. The test runner executes the tests defined for a unit test framework (for example, MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit) and reports the success or failure of each test. These samples use JMockit, but for this particular use case, the difference between these frameworks is largely syntatical. Check out our guide to how AEM developers can write automated test scripts for AEM projects at different levels of code base. Notice that by default, all our tests are set to fail. Create a new @Test method in BylineImplTest.java that uses this new mock resource, asserts isEmpty() returns true. Unit tests generally interact with product APIs in three different ways, each of which is impacted slightly differently by the UberJar. The comments in each entry below show the package to search for in the Dependency Finder. The AEM environment consists of 1 Author and 2 Publish instances with Dispatcher in front of them. The content module contains a file src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml which defines the filters for the AEM package that is built by Maven. To unit test either of these methods, a developer would use a mocking framework such as JMockit, Mockito, JMock, or Easymock to create a mock object for the AEM API referenced. In the wizard, select all the methods under BylineImpl, with the exception of init() which is a method used by the Sling Model internally (via @PostConstruct). This ensures that all tests successfully pass before an application be be deployed. It will house private dependencies like our test frameworks. This tutorial covers the implementation of a Unit Test that validates the behavior of the Byline component’s Sling Model, created in the Custom Component tutorial. The content-package-maven-plugin will continue to use the file src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml when creating the package. You can deploy to these servers by running maven from the project root as shown below. Create an AEM context using wcm.io’s AemContext in BylineImplTest.java by adding it as a JUnit extension decorated with @ExtendWith to the BylineImplTest.java file. The com.adobe.granite.xssprotection artifact is not included in the cq-quickstart-product-dependencies POM and requires full Maven coordinates as obtained from the Dependency Finder. This page provides information on integrating the AEM instance with the cloud-based AEM Mobile On-Demand Services account and project(s). Add a new resource definition to BylineImplTest.json, giving it the semantic name “empty”. Building your AEM Project based on Maven offers you several benefits: The "UberJar" is the informal name given to a special Java Archive (JAR) file provided by Adobe. Recommended practice to build AEM projects is to use Apache Maven tool. For example, to make /libs/foundation available locally for development, but only include /apps/myproject in the package, use the following two files. For a continuous integration set-up, the AEM instance is created, started and shut down as part of the Maven build cycle. The tests validate the expected behavior of BylineImpl without while relying on a minimal set of implementation details. Note that this test does NOT fail because we never defined a name property in the mock JSON, that will cause the test to fail however the test execution hasn’t gotten to that point! Install both and restart IDE. On one project, the introduction of the UberJar resulted in 30 separate dependencies being removed from the project. With the UberJar, you can compile project code which depends upon AEM APIs (and the APIs used by the projects mentioned above). ICF Next. We came up with the JMeter Test Plan Template, especially useful if you are working in Adobe Experience Manager since you will usually be calling on AEM API as part of your test. Pre-Requisite: To have installed AEM Plugin. Update the testGetName() method in BylineImplTest.java as follows: Run the test… and it fails with a NullPointerException. Re-run the test, and again it fails, but this time the message is clear why its failed. This may sound contrary, as a good test should only care about the inputs and outputs, however when working in AEM, there are a variety of implementation considerations that are required to be understood in order to construct the running tests. The example below adds a profile integrationServer, which redefines the host names and ports for the author and publish instances. Likewise, if we change a test method to fail, the build fails and reports which test failed and why. When working with Source Configuration Management (SCM), you want to make sure that. Create a class variable for AemContext that can be used for all of the test methods. Overview. The test code in this post is written with jUnit5, although most of the concepts here apply to jUnit4 as well. However, mocking the API where possible is still recommended for performant tests. When writing unit tests, there are two primary approaches: In this tutorial, the latter approach is used (as we’ve already created a working BylineImpl.java in a previous chapter). Ran into a known issue when targeting net451 where dotnet test cannot find dotnet-test-xunit.exe Solved that by having the test project target netcoreapp1.0 Now cannot get the watcher to work. In this chapter, we’ll write a JUnit test for the BylineImpl.java, which is the Sling Model backing the Byline component. Bobcat. Depending on whether you actually make use of JSP code in /libs (i.e. This is indicated by lines 571 and 86 being colored yellow, indicated a branch of the if/else is not executed, and the line 75 in red indicating that line of code is never executed. This makes sense because the "name" property has not been added to mock /content/byline resource definition in BylineImplTest.json, so let’s add it: Update BylineImplTest.json to define "name": "Jane Doe". It also contained a MANIFEST.MF file containing the correct package export versions for all of these exported packages, thus ensuring that projects built against the UberJar have the correct package import ranges. Return true when occupations are null or empty, Return true when the image is null or has no src URL, Return false when the name, occupations, and Image (with a src URL) are present. We can do this in Eclipse, by right-clicking on the Java class to test, and selecting the New > Other > Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Case. Create a new JSON file at core/test/resources/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/impl named BylineImplTest.json with the following content: This JSON defines a mock resource definition for the Byline component unit test. testIsEmpty() tests against the empty mock resource definition, and asserts that isEmpty() is true. However, you don't want to include that part in the package you build, as the /libs part contains product code that must not be modified by custom implementations. Our first test has passed! This use case can be handled with the UberJar. AEM is a Java-based platform and Maven is the standard way to manage code for an AEM project. Type “AEM” in the search bar. To make it easier to create new project AEM.Design Archetype can be used and it will create you project that is ready to be used by authors.. Running following command will generate a sample project ... JUnit is a unit testing framework and is important in test-driven development. This test must ensure the method getName() returns the correct authored name stored at the resource’s "name" property. Avoid the temptation of building out complete mock context before writing the tests, as it often results in unneeded artifacts. The first method is public void setUp() { .. } which is annotated with @BeforeEach. When licensed for the AEM Communities capability, an additional API jar is necessary. Run the JUnit Test Case by right-clicking on the class name, and Run As > JUnit Test. In Solution Explorer, select the solution node. Since in order to even instantiate the Byline Sling Model, this mock context must be in place, we can add it to the @Before setUp() method. As with SCR Generation, if your code extends a base class (abstract or concrete) from the AEM API, you must use the UberJar in order to test it. A general rule of them when working with unit tests is to create the minimal set of mock content, context, and code required to satisfy each test. For example, the archetype uses a .vltignore file to prevent the JAR file that is installed as part of the bundle from being synced back to the file system: In some cases, you may want to keep particular paths synchronized between the file system and the repository, but not have them included in the package that is built to be installed into AEM. Now onto the problem: Note that we want to override the modelFactory.getModelFromWrappedRequest(..)behavior defined in setUp() to ensure the Image object returned by this call is null. github "Quick/Quick" github "Quick/Nimble" Create a bin/setup script. Online Privacy Policy. Eclipse even color codes the lines of code: In the coverage report it’s been identified the branch the executes when the occupations field is null and returns an empty list, is never evaluated. In the Reviewing BylineImpl.java video above, we discuss how if @PostConstruct init() throws an exception it prevents the Sling Model from instantiating, and that is what’s happening here. A typical case is the /libs/foundation path. Launch Eclipse and create a Maven project. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an enterprise-grade content management platform with a wide array of powerful features. Each unit tests is typically small, and validates the output of a method (or units of work) against expected results. Prosper is an integration testing library for Adobe Experience Manager projects using Spock, a Groovy-based testing framework notable for it's expressive specification language.The library contains a base Spock specification that provides an in-memory JCR, Sling framework support, and a mock OSGi context for registering and testing services. To achieve this, you can provide a file src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter-vlt.xml. You probably heard of Hobbes.js for automated UI and authoring testing in AEM. Right-click on BylineImplTests.java > Run As > JUnit Test, JUnit view at Eclipse > Window > Show View > Java > JUnit. This JAR file contains all of the public Java APIs exposed by Adobe Experience Manager. A test automation framework is a comprehensive set of guidelines and rules created to make test automation efficient and effective. This case, which is the most common, involves some custom code which executes methods on a Java interface defined by the AEM API. The resulting components work in AEM all the same, but making Maven aware of the JSPs has two major benefits. Post questions and get answers from experts. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to write Unit Tests for our Byline component’s Sling Model (created in the Creating a custom AEM Component). When we say AEM Maven Project or just your AEM Project, we are referring to a Maven project that includes all of the custom code for your site. All Rights Reserved. AEM Test Framework Installation. This should be running in the background. core/src/test/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/impl/BylineImplTest.java. Unit tests are executed are required to pass as part of the maven build. While unit testing code is a good practice for any code base, when using Cloud Manager it is important to take advantage of its code quality testing and reporting facilities by providing unit tests for Cloud Manager to run. Most code written for AEM relies on JCR, Sling or AEM APIs, which in turn, require the context of a running AEM to execute properly. It includes limited external libraries as well, specifically all public APIs available in AEM which come from the Apache Sling, Apache Jackrabbit, Apache Lucene, Google Guava, and two libraries used for image processing (Werner Randelshofer's CYMK JPEG ImageIO library and the TwelveMonkeys image library). Project Archetype. In-container testing for AEM projects ... (CI) set-up. If you are using Apache Maven as a build system (which is the case for most AEM Java projects), you will need to add one or two elements to your pom.xml file. You will see two plugins AEM IDE Tooling 4 IntelliJ and AEM IntelliJ Plugin. Name the file myTestSuite.js and click OK. 30. Two things are required to enable this setup: Below dependencies need to be added to the content modules's POM. In the new project dialog box, find a unit test project template for the test framework you want to use and select it. Experience Manager 6.3 Sites Developing User Guide, src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter-vlt.xml, src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml, ${project.build.directory}/jsps-to-compile, https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/, Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) - English, الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا - اللغة العربية, Usage of Maven Archetypes and Artifacts provided by Adobe, Usage of Apache Sling and Apache Felix tool sets for Maven based development setups, Ease of import into an IDE; for example, Eclipse and/or IntelliJ, Easy integration with Continuous Integration Systems, by the VLT tool to determine which paths to consider, if the package is re-built in AEM Package Manager, this also defines which paths to include, it allows Maven to fail if the JSPs contain errors, so that these are surfaced at build time and not when they are first compiled in AEM, For IDEs that can import Maven projects, this also enables code completion and tag library support in the JSPs, compile the JSPs as part of the Maven compile process, we set up maven-resources-plugin to copy the JSPs to, The VCS ignores non-source artifacts in the file system, VLT ignores artifacts of the VCS and does not check them in to the repository. This description does not cover how to configure Maven to work with your SCM, which is described exhaustively in the Maven POM reference and the Maven SCM Plugin's documentation. Now that we have a basic mock context setup, let’s write our first test for BylineImpl’s getName(). Now setup Eclipse. Since the initialization of the mock context was does in the @Before setUp()method, this will be available to all @Test methods in this Test Case, including getOccupations(). The @BeforeEach annotation is a JUnit annotation that instructs the JUnit test running to execute this method before running each test method in this class. There are also integration tests that create a sling launchpad instance and test against sling in-process. For development purposes, you may want to have the contents of this path available in your file system, so that e.g. AEM Development Tools for the Eclipse IDE is shipped with a perspective that offers full control over AEM projects and instances. The Keyword driven testing framework is an extension to Data driven Testing Framework in a sense that it not only segregates the test data from the scripts, it also keeps the certain set of code belonging to the test script into an external data file. Then, get the AEM project archetype from here. Maven will be used as the build tool, as this is the usual standard in AEM projects. The first step is to inspect Maven dependencies to support writing and running the tests. Every project should utilize all three. To run AEM, you need the AEM Quickstart, either Standalone or Web Application Archive (WAR) form. View the finished code on GitHub or review and deploy the code locally at on the Git brach unit-testing/solution. It turns out that while the ModelFactory OSGi service is provided via the AemContext (by way of the Apache Sling Context), not all methods are implemented, including getModelFromWrappedRequest(...) which is called in the BylineImpl’s init() method. E.g. Re-running the Coverage As, it reports that BylineImpl.java is now at 100% coverage, however there is still one branch that is not evaluated in isEmpty() which again has to do with the occupations. we are trying to learn a Unit testing Framework for AEM applications. Apache Maven is an open source tool for managing software projects by automating builds and providing quality project information. The JUnit5, Mockito and AEM Mocks test dependencies are automatically added to the project during setup using the AEM Maven archetype. Now with the existence of BylineImplTest.json, when ctx.json("/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/impl/BylineImplTest.json", "/content") is executed, the mock resource definitions are loaded into the context at the path /content. Often a unit test will have multiple test methods testing a single public method, each representing a different set of inputs or states. At this point, the JSON has the minimum set of properties required to represent a Byline component content resource, the jcr:primaryType and sling:resourceType. Remember we load BylineImplTest.json into ctx before the execution of each test method in @setUp, so this new resource definition is immediately available to us in tests at /content/empty. The subsequent methods are the test methods themselves and are marked as such with the @Test annotation. You will also need to reconfigure the maven-resources-plugin to not include these files in the package: the filter.xml file is not applied when the package is installed but only when the package is built again using package manager. AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse is an Eclipse plugin based on the plugin for Apache Sling under the Apache License 2 license. The archetype already created a .vltignore file to prevent the installed bundle jar file from being synced back to the file system: Obviously, you do not want this file in your SCM either, so if e.g. Our AEM skills test ensures that the new hires will be the right fit for the position of a programmer having the proper knowledge of AEM services, AEM framework, AEM site deployments and good experience of agile projects. In the first wizard screen, validate the following: Click the Next button at the bottom of the wizard. It is the recommended build management tool for AEM projects. Follow this page for setting up AEM Mobile and thus allowing the user to create and manage the content within AEM. For such scenarios, you can easily add new Maven Build Profiles to the project's POM. Click on the “Configure” icon at the bottom right corner and select “Plugins”. These files have the same syntax as .gitignore files. To view these dependencies, open the Parent Reactor POM at aem-guides-wknd/pom.xml, navigate to the .. and ensure the following dependencies are defined: This next step helps with the auto-generation of test methods. testIsEmpty_WithoutName() tests against a mock resource definition that has occupations but no name. They provide a standardized test language and reporting structure for applications under test and can reduce test maintenance costs. The BylineImpl Sling Model will be registered into this context, Mock JCR content structures are created in this context, Custom OSGi services can be registered in this context. If you have not seen my post, The Ultimate Code Quality Setup for your AEM project , you should check it out. This will run the unit tests within this file and provide a report indicating the code coverage. You can run mvn clean install -DskipTests=true if you want to build your AEM project without running Java or Javascript tests; this setup enabled to do so. Update testIsEmpty() as follows, setting the current resource to the new “empty” mock resource definition. Drilling into the class and methods gives clearer indications of what parts of the file are tested, and which are not. To compile JSPs in Maven's compile phase, we use Apache Sling's Maven JspC Plugin as shown below: Our primary goal, as stated above, is to validate the JSPs and make sure that the build process fails if they contain errors. If this file exists, it will be used by the VLT tool, e.g. This use case can be handled with the UberJar. This can be remedied by adding a test for getOccupations() that asserts an empty list is returned when there is no occupations value on the resource. It’s used to give our contributors (and us) a simple way to set up the project and the dependencies. its running with aem version 5.6 and is using the classic ui. Then, from the top menu bar, select File > Add > New Project. However, Maven treats them as any other file that is part of the content package and does not even recognize them as JSPs. Implementation-first Development, which involves developing working code first and then writing tests that validate said code. You can also generate OSGi Service Component Runtime (SCR) and OSGi Metatype information. Works like a dream on my windows environment but am having issues on Mac. We also need to add the MockitoExtension.class to the @ExtendWith annotation above the BylineImplTest class. The dotnet test command is used to execute unit tests in a given project. For this condition, we can re-use /content/byline which represents a fully configured Byline component. If you want to make performance testing with JMeter more efficient, grab our template and test it! A framework is comprised of a combination of test tools and practices that are designed to help QA specialist test more efficiently. We’ll use Quick and Nimble. Add it to the same project folder, then open the … The Mockito stubs feature is strict and does not want duplicitous code. While a great library, there are not many resources online for how to test it when used inside your code. This layer will be implemented directly in the project’s repository and contains the test … COnsidering this info, the developer working on the project is wondering if its wise to recommend upgrading to aem v 6.4. its recommended on a limited budget? Add Selenium, TestNG, ExtentReport dependency in the pom.xml file. Learn about frameworks and tools commonly used to test AEM code. E.g., if you are using git, you can add these to your project's .gitignore file. Adobe Cloud Manager integrates unit test execution and code coverage reporting into its CI/CD pipeline to help encourage and promote the best practice of unit testing AEM code. ... Before you create your utilities and verifications, it’s crucial you get a smoke test project set up. NOTE: context.loader is used to load page content in JSON format and it allows us to test the code against it. mkdir bin touch bin/setup chmod +x … The actions performed in the AEM Authoring environment are quite common and repeatable for development/testing and the AEM UI controls for such actions are quite standard. Instead, they can test the code against to the page content using wcm.io’s AEM Mocks. Provides a variety of common required mock objects and helpers such as SlingHttpServletRequest objects, a variety of mock Sling and AEM OSGi services such as ModelFactory, PageManager, Page, Template, ComponentManager, Component, TagManager, Tag, etc. The dotnet test command launches the test runner console application specified for a project. The first test will test the condition of a brand new component, that has no properties set. Copyright © 2020 Adobe. Unit tests are build-time tests written in Java that verify expected behavior of Java code. For local development, the same tests can be run against an already running AEM instance to speed up the test process. To use the framework in a maven project, first you must connect to the CQ Blueprints Maven Repository and add the following dependencies: com.cqblueprints.testing test-framework 0.6.0 Testing isEmpty() is interesting as it requires testing for a variety of conditions. ctx.currentResource("/content/empty") sets the current resource to /content/empty, which we know does not have an occupations property defined. Next screen will show you the installed plugins. The following is a typical list of patterns to include from SCM. Prosper. include JSPs from there), you will need to refine which JSPs are copied for compilation. Since unit tests are executed at build, outside the context of a running AEM instance, there is no such resource. Because of this, we must review and understand its public methods’ behaviors, but also some of its implementation details. In some cases, you may have SCM control files in the content source tree that you do not want to be checked in to the repository. It’s OOTB UI and authoring testing framework shipped with AEM. Typically each public method of the Java class has at least one corresponding test method, validating its behavior. This results in an AbstractMethodError, which in term causes init() to fail, and the resulting adaption of the ctx.request().adaptTo(Byline.class) is a null object. If you are not using a repository manager, then you will need to add a repository element to your pom.xml file: You can find the code of this page on GitHub. Is nothing AEM specific about this JUnit test file has a number of auto-generated methods same, but this... Dream on my windows environment but am having issues on Mac ) set-up name but name... It ’ s really great about the latest versions of AEM mocks template for the test framework you setup test frameworks for a project aem. 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