Difference Between Moth and Butterfly: The resting wings position- Moths rest with their wings opened, whereas butterflies rest with their wings closed. The PowerPoint presentation introduces children to the similarities and differences between butterflies and moths. Some moth species, like the luna and rosy maple moth, display strikingly vibrant color patterns. Although the rules for distinguishing these groups are not absolute, one very good guiding principle is that butterflies have thin antennae and (with one exception) have small balls or clubs at the end of their antennae. Butterflies are Diurnal – active at day. Nearly all species have a long, coiled tongue known as a proboscis which allows them to suck nectar and pollen (among other food sources depending on species). Moths usually rest with their wings spread out to their sides. There are, however, exceptions to this rule and a few moths (the families Castniidae, Uraniidae, Apoprogonidae, and Sematuridae[4]) have clubbed antennae. Butterflies have very colorful wings while moths have dull wings. I usually start by dispelling some of the common misconceptions. Similarities between Butterflies and Moths include their scale-like hairs that cover their respective bodies and deliver their various recognizable patterns and colors along the wings that we see. Where Can You Watch Big Bash League 2020-21 Season? Moths are typically smaller sized with more plain or drab-colored wings. A moth’s antennae are feathery or saw-edged. Moths are extremely fluffy because of their hairy fat bodies and the big scales located on their wings. 2. The most obvious difference is in the feelers, or antennae. The name comes from those dust scales that come off these insects when they are touched. Difference Between Butterfly and Moth: Moths. The divisions are named by this principle: "club-antennae" (Rhopalocera) or "varied-antennae" (Heterocera). The waste products of metamorphosis, a reddish liquid called meconium, will be discharged from the anus. Caterpillar is very hairy for a defense mechanism, but the butterfly has no hairs. Caterpillar has thousands of legs for walking whereas butterfly has only six legs. Moths have larger scales on their wings which makes them look more dense and fluffy. ... is central to determining the similarities and differences between moth and butterfly development, Sourakov said. The plume winged moths of the family Pterophoridae also pupates without a cocoon and the pupa resembles the chrysalis of the pierid butterfly. Many attempts have been made to group the superfamilies of the Lepidoptera into natural groups, most of which fail because one of the two groups is not monophyletic: Microlepidoptera and Macrolepidoptera, Heterocera and Rhopalocera, Jugatae and Frenatae, Monotrysia and Ditrysia.[1]. Moth antennae can be quite varied in appearance, but in particular lack the club end. Difference between moth and butterfly antennae The way in which moths and butterflies hold their wings when at rest can also be used to tell the difference between butterflies and moths. Some moths have a lobe on the forewing called a jugum that helps in coupling with the hindwing. The most obvious difference is in the feelers, or antennae. Their pupal stage (between the … The reason for this difference is most likely because o… Other taxonomic schemes have been proposed, the most common putting the butterflies into the suborder Ditrysia and then the "superfamily" Papilionoidea and ignoring a classification for moths. Butterfly: Moth: Antennae: rounded clubs on the ends: thin or often feathery: Body: thin and smooth: thick and fuzzy: Active: during the day: during the night: Color: colorful: dull: Pupal Stage: chrysalis: cocoon: Wings: held vertically when resting: held flat against body when resting Butterflies, however, have smaller scales and an overall smooth and clearly defined abdomen. A sometimes confusing family can be the Geometridae (such as the winter moth) because the adults often rest with their wings folded vertically. Though not universal, moths very commonly have superposition eyes, while butterflies equally commonly favour apposition eyes. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Some butterflies, like Pseudopontia paradoxa from the forests of central Africa, lack the club ends. Moths keep their wings open when at rest. There are several exceptions to this rule, such as with the diurnal Zygaenidae and Sytomidae families of moths, both of which have apposition eyes, or the Hedyloidea family of butterflies, which are nocturnal and feature superposition eyes. Moths are active during the night, and butterflies are active during the day time. The hesperiids often have an angle to the tip of the antenna. Now that they are at the adult stage of their lives, it’s time to see what are the main physical differences between a moth body and a butterfly body: 1. Most butterflies are diurnal (awake during the day and sleep at night). Butterflies fold their wings back when at rest. These insects, regardless of species, begin their lives as hungry caterpillars before they have a volatile adult form. All Rights Reserved by WalkThroughIndia, 29 Absolutely Gorgeous & Incredibly Scenic Places of India, Top 20 Must See Places in India Once in Your Lifetime, Top 20 Must Visit Historical Monuments of India in 2020, Top 12 Most Popular Travel Destinations in Uttar Pradesh. Ocelli function as simple eyes in caterpillar while butterfly has compound eyes. A few butterflies are also plain-coloured, like the cabbage white butterfly or the baron butterfly. © 2010-2020. Most butterflies have thin slender filamentous antennae which are club shaped at the end. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Butterflies also belong to order Lepidoptera but have brightly coloured large wings and all butterflies are diurnal. Moth larva make a cocoon from silk. Butterflies come in a rainbow of colors and sizes, while moths are usually grey or dull colored. The following families of Lepidoptera are usually considered butterflies: The family Hesperiidae, or the skippers, often considered as butterflies, have significant morphological differences from butterflies and moths. Moths flatten out their wings when at rest. Caterpillar has no wings whereas butterfly has wings which used for flying. Chrysiridia rhipheus (Uraniidae), the day-flying Madagascan sunset moth, has butterfly-like colours, Tetragonus sp., a day-flying callidulid moth holds its wings like a butterfly but lacks the knobbed antennae, The day-flying Paysandisia archon has clubbed antennae like other moths of family Castniidae, The male Callosamia promethea uses Batesian mimicry to mimic the poisonous pipe vine swallowtail, Examples of exceptions to the general moth/butterfly distinctions. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. It was originally misplaced into the genus Papilio due to the head of a butterfly being mistakenly attached to the specimen. Most moth caterpillars spin a cocoon made of silk within which they metamorphose into the pupal stage. This distinction is the basis for the earliest taxonomic divisions in the Lepidoptera: the Rhopalocera ("clubbed horn", the butterflies) and the Heterocera ("varied horn", the moths). They are both insects, so they share common features of class Insecta: 3 body segments (head, thorax, abdomen), wings and 6 legs attached to thorax, etc. Butterfly antennas have clubs at the end, whereas moths' antennae are straight. Blues and coppers or gossamer-winged butterflies, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 11:59. But butterflies and moths have more similarities than just their dusty wings. Butterflies keep their wings flying freely up over their bodies, while moth's spread their wings in … Butterflies are a natural monophyletic group, often given the suborder Rhopalocera, which includes Papilionoidea (true butterflies), Hesperiidae (skippers), and Hedylidae (butterfly moths). Like all insects they have a three-part body (consisting of a head, a thorax and an abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and a segmented exoskeleton. There are however exceptions, including the spectacular Uraniidae or sunset moths. Butterflies make chrysalis that is hard, smooth and does NOT comprise silk. bipectinate). Lyin’ eyes: Butterfly, moth eyespots may look the same, but likely evolved separately. However, there are some overall rules that can be used to tell a moth from a butterfly or skipper. Most moths are nocturnal or crepuscular while most butterflies are diurnal. The Parnassius butterfly larvae make a flimsy cocoon for pupation and they pupate near the ground surface between debris. Moths are nocturnal – active at night. Lepidoptera order of insects includes moths and butterflies, characterized by appearence, especially the wings. There are many exceptions to this rule, however. Butterflies. This difference is possibly due to the need for moths to conserve heat during the cooler nights, or to confound echolocation by bats, whereas butterflies are able to absorb sunlight. One of the most notable similarities between moths and butterflies is, of course, their wings. However some butterflies, like the skippers, may hold their wings either flat, or folded, or even in-between (the so-called … In this taxonomic scheme, moths belong to the suborder Heterocera. 5 Most Handsome Players in the Indian Premier League 2020, Top 15 Traditional Regional Sports of Incredible India, 10 Most Popular International Cricket Stadium in India, Top 15 Most Popular Sports Played in India, 20 Most Celebrated Hindu Festival of Incredible India, Top 5 Best Places to Celebrate Christmas in India, 10 Must Visit Buddhist Monasteries of Incredible India, 5 Reasons Why we Should Celebrate Makar Sankranti, Different Celebrations of Makar Sankranti Festival in India, Top 10 Must Visit Places Around Pune in Monsoon, 10 Best And Must Places To Visit In Mussoorie, Top 20 Reasons To Visit Western Ghats of India, 5 Things That Will Make You Fall In Love With Sikkim, 5 Most Beautiful Beaches in India To Visit This Summer, TOP 10 User Acquisition Techniques for Online Casinos, Detailed Information About the Visa in India, Top 10 Best Helmet Brands in India for Riders, Top 10 Best Electric Motorcycles and Scooters in India, Top 12 Affordable and Adventurous SUV In India, 12 Species of Giant and Small Tree Squirrels of India, 10 Species of Flying Squirrels Found in The Indian-Subcontinent, 15 Most Amazing Nocturnal Animals in India, Lesser Known 5 Types of Bengal Tigers Found in India, 9 States With Presence of Real Black Panther in India, Top 10 Longest Rail and Road Tunnels of India, Bottom 12 Private Sector Banks in India by Revenue, Top 5 Busiest Railway Station in South India, Top 10 Cleanest Stations of Indian Railways in 2019, Top 12 Best Trains of Indian Railways to Travel India, Weekend Itinerary for Beaches Around Pune, 5 Days Best Solapur Highway Itinerary From Pune, 3 Days Itinerary for Places to Visit in Kanpur, Heritage Arc Tourist Circuit of Uttar Pradesh, Difference Between Butterfly and Dragonfly, Difference Between State and Union Territories of India, Top 15 Destinations to View Northern Lights in Canada, Comparison and Similarities Between Moth and Butterfly. Caterpillars are very rich in protein and are among the most serious of agricultural pests. Most species of moths are nocturnal and attracted to artificial lights, Attacus atlas is … Most moths also occasionally fold their wings above their backs when they are in a certain spot (like when there is no room to fully spread their wings). One of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth is to look at the antennae. 3. The wings belonging to both of these animals contain many tiny scales that are clear to the naked eye. For example, the hawk moths form an exposed pupa which is underground. Butterflies and moths have a lot in common. 2. For the first few hours of its adult life, the butterfly or moth will pump hemolymph into the veins in its wings to expand them. Both insects start their lives as hungry caterpillars before transforming themselves completely into … Butterflies, however, lack these structures. [2][3] This distinction is the basis for the earliest taxonomic divisions in the Lepidoptera: the Rhopalocera ("clubbed horn", the butterflies) and the Heterocera ("varied horn", the moths). Pupal Stage. Hummingbird moth (Hyles lineata) on showy milkweed at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. A butterfly’s antennae are club-shaped with a long shaft and a bulb at the end. However, many butterflies “sun bake” with their wings open. Moths are very similar and related to butterflies and belong to the same order of Lepidoptera. A common classification of the Lepidoptera involves their differentiation into butterflies and moths. Butterflies frequently fold their wings above their backs when they are perched although they will occasionally "bask" with their wings spread for short periods (several types of Swallowtail butterflies tend to frequently rest with their wings spread when in sunlight). Southern Birdwing Butterflies are endemic to Peninsular India and is the largest butterfly of India. Worldwide, there are five families of butterflies and one family of skippers, which share some specialised similarities in body form. Moths rest with their wings open, whereas butterflies tend to rest with their wings closed. The frenulum can be observed only when a specimen is in hand. Both are holometabolous (have larvae and pupae and adult stages), flying insects that often feed on plant nectar and are important plant pollinators, but they are very different otherwise. Other common observable features are obviously that they both can fly. Butterflies fly at daytime while moths fly during night time. Butterflies on the other hand possess fine scales. Moths make cocoons from silk. A butterfly’s antennae are club-shaped with a long shaft and a bulb at the end. Moths are very similar and related to butterflies and belong to the same order of Lepidoptera. Moths tend to have stout and hairy or furry-looking bodies, while butterflies have slender and smoother abdomens. Many moths have a frenulum which is a filament arising from the hindwing and coupling (matching up) with barbs on the forewing. Moths tend to hold their wings in a tent-like manner that hides their abdomen. The adult, also called the imago, emerges from its pupal cuticle with a swollen abdomen and shriveled wings. Most butterflies have thin slender filamentous antennae which are club shaped at the end. Butterflies frequently fold their wings above their backs when they are perched although they will occasionally \"bask\" with their wings spread for short periods. Most species of moths are nocturnal and attracted to artificial lights, Attacus atlas is the largest moth in the world. A fox moth with its wings pulled back. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Despite appearances, butterflies and moths have different types of compound eyes. ", "What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? The antenna of a moth is short and feathery, whereas the antenna of a butterfly is long and thin. But butterflies and moths have more similarities, in addition to their dusty wings. Moths, on the other hand, often have comb-like or feathery antennae, or filamentous and unclubbed. These moths have thin bodies and large wings like many butterflies but may be distinguished easily by structural differences in their antennae (e.g. ‘What is the difference between butterflies and moths?’ is one of the questions I am most frequently asked. Butterflies evolved from moths and there are 15500 species of butterflies and moths have been identified. The body shape and appearance.This is where the difference between moths and butterflies become quite clear. Both belong to the order of the Lepidoptera, that is to say, those of “wings with scales”. The Lepidoptera: form, function and diversity. One of the most obvious differences between butterflies and moths is their resting wing position. Moths are stout and fuzzy; butterflies are slender and smooth. While the butterflies form a monophyletic group, the moths, which comprise the rest of the Lepidoptera, do not. [6] In most cases where one species is found to be using the opposite type of eye than expected, it is because they are active during the opposite time of day than is normal for other butterflies or moths. Difference between Moth and Butterfly. Butterflies, for the most part, are brightly colored … Gypsy moths sometimes form butterfly-style pupae, hanging on twigs or tree bark, although usually they create flimsy cocoons out of silk strands and a few leaves, partially exposing the pupa. Butterfly larva make a chrysalis that hangs from a plant or tree branch. iStock/Ian_Redding … Looking at DNA isn’t enough. Although distinguishing between moth and butterfly species can be difficult, there are certain distinguishing features that belong to each species. These diurnal species evolved to locate their mates visually and not primarily by pheromone as their drab nocturnal cousins. Moths, butterflies and skippers are all insects in the order Lepidoptera. Most moths are nocturnal (awake at night and sleep during the day). Butterflies tend to fold their wings vertically up over their backs. A moth’s antennae are feathery or saw-edged. This is due to the superposition eye's adaptations for low light environments suiting the nocturnal moths, and the apposition eye's superior resolution and potential for colour vision benefiting the more diurnal butterflies.[5]. Difference between moth and butterfly ? Caterpillar is the common name for the larvae of order Lepidoptera members that comprising butterflies and moths. Most butterflies have bright colours on their wings. Wings. (Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress)", "Adaptations for Nocturnal Vision in Insect Apposition Eyes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_butterflies_and_moths&oldid=994954284, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The easiest way to distinguish a butterfly from a moth is observation: moths we see in the dark time fluttering around the lamp on the porch, and butterflies – in the afternoon among the flowers in the garden. Moths usually rest with their wings spread out to their sides. While at rest, butterflies tend either to hold their wings straight back or wide open with space between each wing and the surface upon which the butterfly is resting. Most moths are nocturnal or crepuscular while most butterflies are diurnal. Butterflies are typically larger in size and have more colorful patterns on their wings. The similarities between an elephant and a butterfly is both are in the animal kingdom, and they may also share the same ecosystem. by Halle Marchese • May 6, 2020. Kids love live animals and this unit includes photographs of real butterflies and moths. Moths, on the other hand, often have comb-like or feathery antennae, or filamentous and unclubbed. Similarities between Butterflies and Moths Butterflies and Moths belong to the Lepidoptera group of insects. Behaviour. One of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a butterfly and a moth is to look at the antennae. Both butterflies and moths share common traits of having wings, an exoskeleton, a 3-parted … Butterfly and Moth Differences - Compare and Contrast. Nocturnal moths on the other hand are usually plain brown, grey, white or black and often with obscuring patterns of zigzags or swirls which help camouflage them from predators as they rest during the day. Scoble, MJ 1995. But on this the similarities of the winged creatures do not end. [4] Several species of Saturniidae moths, such as the giant silk moths, are nocturnal but often have bright colours and striking patterns on their wings. It’s not about colour, hairiness or time of day. Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward answer – at least not one that most people find acceptable. Most butterfly caterpillars, on the other hand, form an exposed pupa made from a hardened protein, also termed a chrysalis. A few skipper butterfly larvae also make crude cocoons in which they pupate, exposing the pupa a bit. The other families of the Lepidoptera are considered moths. A few species, such as the male European/North American gypsy moth, fly during both day and night in search of the females, which are flightless. However, many day-flying moths are brightly coloured, particularly if they are toxic. However, some butterflies, like the skippers, may hold their wings either flat, or folded, or even in-between (the so-called "jet plane" position) when perched. Both moths and butterflies belong to the same order i.e Lepidoptera. Exceptions to this rule include the diurnal Gypsy moth and the spectacular \"Uraniidae\" or Sunset moths. Oxford, UK: The Oxford University Press; 404 p. "What are the differences between butterflies and moths? 2. Moth ( Hyles lineata ) on showy milkweed at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge antennae, or filamentous and unclubbed no... Which they metamorphose into the pupal stage the spectacular \ '' Uraniidae\ '' or Sunset moths are! 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