The Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift improves hip mobility, hamstring flexibility and improves any … Romanian Deadlift Benefits and Variations Similar to the conventional deadlift, the Romanian deadlift works your posterior chain, which includes your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Keeping your head and back neutral and shoulders pulled back, with a slight bend in the knees slowly hinge at the hips and bend over lowering the weights just short of touching the floor. Deadlifts have become very popular exercises for women. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Benefits First, the Dumbbell RDL builds your posterior chain. In which case, I would recommend the barbell deadlifts. Buying a barbell and weight plates would put you out much more than dumbbells ever would. 1. The muscles worked for the Sumo dumbbell deadlift are also the glutes and hamstrings as the primary with marginal lower back and quad muscle activation. The muscles worked for the stiff leg dumbbell deadlift are the glutes and hamstrings as … And since traditionally more weight is used for this exercise, the additional load also makes your glutes and quads work harder than the other deadlifts. As a result, your individual muscle cells will grow through a process called hypertrophy. Dumbbell Deadlift: Pros #1 Take up less space One big advantage of dumbbell deadlifts is that you can set-up pretty much anywhere with just one foot of space around you. Proper form not only includes a neutral back and head position but also keeping your shoulders pulled back and your chest out. Using dumbbells can give you more flexibility to control the position of the weights you would otherwise not have with a barbell. The muscles worked for this deadlift are primarily the glutes and the hamstrings. Lowering the dumbbells all the way to the ground, with or without a pause, forces you to bend your knees more and creates a deeper squat position than any of the other deadlift variations. This move also involves core engagement, so you'll build strength and stability there, too. The hamstring tends to be the weakest muscle on the body and the muscle that is most likely to be pulled. It is also true that most women prefer working out at home over going to a public gym. And suppose you workout at home with dumbbells only, then dumbbell deadlifts would be a great option for training the entire body. This is performed using one dumbbell placed at your side and deadlifted in the same manner you'd pick up a suitcase. Always keep your knees slightly bent when performing the stiff leg deadlift and the single leg dumbbell deadlift. Keep weights pulled in at the front or side of your legs and not out in front of your body. Again, this will help prevent injuries but also helps assist in keeping your spine neutral. More and more women are more and more into the squat and deadlift exercise craze for building bigger glutes. With over 30 years of experience in strength training and fitness, Mark LaRue is the founder of Fitness Mastered, a blog to help educate fitness enthusiasts of all fitness levels, ages, and gender. Adjustable Kettlebells are also a great alternative to dumbbells – save money and space! However, for muscle building purposes, you can simply modify the traditional deadlift by using a somewhat lighter load. Well, for starters, the exercise has shown to improve posture and is better for people who have mobility or flexibility issues. Let’s first try to understand how the Romanian deadlift compares against its conventional counterpart. Many make the mistake of going too heavy. Stiff leg Deadlift has been a part of leg workout for most of the professional bodybuilders. The main benefits of the paused deadlift include not requiring as much training load as a regular deadlift in order to have a high training effect, in addition to placing greater emphasis on the quads over other muscle groups. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts Benefits. This deadlift helps in training glutes and hamstrings, that leads to … Try to sit back a little more and keep the weight on your heels. To do a dumbbell deadlift right, start by standing over the barbell with your feet under the bar. The traditional dumbbell deadlift primarily focuses on the quads but also generates a good amount of glute muscle activation due to the deeper squat motion. Your hamstrings are the muscles on the back of your thighs and work in conjunction with your glutes to extend your hips and also flex your knee joints. The benefits of the dumbbell deadlift and the barbell deadlift are many when it comes to building strength and muscle mass. I have included a video from the team at Bowflex with a quick demonstration of how to correctly perform the dumbbell deadlift below. The dumbbell deadlift is usually performed by trainees as a functional exercise to gain strength that is needed to do other weightlifting movements, like squats, rows, and presses. They are much less expensive, require far less space if used at home, and are less likely to cause back injury due to overloading. Between the two, the barbell deadlift is obviously the more popular exercise. An option you do not have when using a barbell. The glutes are a three-part combination of what are known to be some of the strongest muscles in the human body. Among the main muscles worked when performing dumbbell deadlifts are your glutes. You’ll still see the same benefits as you would with a barbell deadlift but to a different degree and even with some advantages due to the unilateral … However, there are many more advantages to be had using dumbbells for deadlifts. (10 Bars Compared), 10 Best Glute Resistance Band Exercises Proven to Work, 5 Best Dance Poles for Apartment and Home Use [Portable & Spinning], 5 Best Doorway Sit-Up Bar & Foot Anchors for Under the Door. Position your feet wider than shoulder-width apart with toes pointing slightly outward. Being strong makes many everyday activities easier, from lifting bags of groceries … Since the movement itself is very focused (just moving up and down), it’s possible to fit yourself just about anywhere at your gym--so long as they have the dumbbell … Strengthen gluteus and hamstrings is one of the important benefits of the Romanian dumbbell deadlift. The dumbbell Romanian deadlift will generate metabolic stress and mechanical damage to muscle fibers in your glutes and hamstrings. The lift engages all of the major muscle groups, according to exercise physiologist Kevin Farley. How to do Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift. In this way, you are keeping constant tension on the muscles and thus have turned what is normally a strength-building exercise into a very effective muscle building exercise to build bigger quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The downside to this, however, is that you may find your grip gives out before your lower body gets a significant workout. The main purpose of the deadlift is to build a stronger core, stronger quads, and overall body strength. The various exercises above are very effective workouts for targeting your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The benefit of using dumbbells, even if you cannot go as heavy as with barbells, is the added mobility and range of motion. A trick is to concentrate on keeping your chin in the same position throughout the entire exercise. Some believe that throwing your hips forward is the same thing. The Best Ways to Keep Your Lower Pecs Toned With Push-ups, Strengthening Your Trapezius, Rhomboids and Dorsi With Free Weights, American Council on Exercise: Dumbbell Deadlift, Tony Gentilcore: Exercises You Should be Doing (Suitcase Deadlift). The posterior chain means the often neglected muscles of the back half of your body (because you cannot see them in the mirror.) Another great way to save on space is by using adjustable dumbbells. Furthermore, when performing the Romanian deadlift you do not squat as you do with the traditional deadlift, and you hinge at the waist while simultaneously bending at the knees. But also gives you the opportunity to use the other free hand to support your balance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why the dumbbell deadlift may possibly benefit you more than the barbell deadlift and why you should incorporate them into your weekly workout routine. The traditional deadlift is performed with a barbell and with pauses between reps. The Romanian deadlift is basically a traditional deadlift but without letting the weight ever touch the floor between reps. Dumbbells by far offer more flexibility and increased motion and exercise variations than barbells. 4 Best Water Filled Dumbbells for Travel [Hydro Weights] 2020 Review, How Much Do Barbells Weigh? The main core muscles working are your deep stabilizing ones -- the transverse abdominus, multifidus and pelvic floor. Drop slowly and feel the stretch in your glutes and hamstrings on the negative, and slowly return to an almost upright position and repeat. Always keep your back and head neutral when performing all deadlift variations. If you don't have access to a barbell, however -- perhaps because you train at home, or your gym doesn't have any -- you can still perform deadlifts by switching to dumbbells. The same goes for your head position. Note that this is not a squatting exercise. Always keep your head aligned with your spine. The benefits of the dumbbell deadlift and the barbell deadlift are many when it comes to building strength and muscle mass. Performing the deadlift with two dumbbells requires a deeper setup position than the traditional barbell deadlift. This keeps the load off your back and puts more tension on the targeted muscles such as quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Obviously, the better choice for them would naturally be the barbell deadlifts. Reach down to grab the dumbbell using one hand, keeping your back arched and abs tight. Deadlifts… known as the #1 strength building exercise, but also for building great hamstrings and powerful glutes! However, if not, or you just need a refresher, the following will give you a quick step-by-step on how to perform each exercise correctly to achieve the best results while also keeping it safe. Thus, it’s more about building strength than building bigger glutes or hamstrings. Dumbbell Deadlift Benefits. The single leg dumbbell deadlift is very similar to the stiff leg deadlift. The Deadlift works your lower and upper body, including your back muscles. So let’s check out the many benefits dumbbell deadlifts have to offer. Second, increasing the strength of your posterior chain corrects muscle imbalances. The Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift is a fantastic compound movement to include into your back day or full body training routine as it strengthens the posterior chain muscles. Would you be interested in learning more? In addition to that we will also include our top 5 deadlift exercises, illustrate how each is performed and which muscles are used for each. Before we examine dumbbell deadlifts any further, let’s first take a look into what muscles are targeted with various dumbbell deadlift exercises. Between each rep try squeezing your glutes at the upright position before lowering the weight again. While hinging at the waist, keep your knees slightly bent, and lower the weight to within a few inches off the floor. Each exercise varies only slightly in execution, but all work the muscles they target very effectively. At the root of force development, power, and long term improvements in sports performance, muscular hypertrophy is a necessary component to overall development. I personally believe dumbbell deadlifts to be more beneficial overall than barbell deadlifts. This, in turn, can put less stress on your wrists or even shoulders when performing heavier routines. You can squat much lower with the dumbbells than you can with a barbell. Home » Fitness Exercises » Top 5 Dumbbell Deadlift Benefits & Muscles Worked [Ultimate Guide], Top 5 Dumbbell Deadlift Benefits & Muscles Worked [Ultimate Guide], 10 Best Glute Machines for Home Use Review & Buyer’s Guide 2020, How to do Squats Properly for Bigger Glutes [Top 8 Bum Activation Tips], How to do Lunges Properly for Bigger Glutes: Lunges vs Squats, Smith Machine Squat vs Barbell Squat [Which is Better? It will work your full posterior chain, including your back, legs and core, in one movement.If you’re serious in any way about putting on … The regular dumbbell deadlift will hit your hamstrings, though you can make it more hamstring-dominant by turning it into a straight-legged dumbbell deadlift. Always hinge at the hips when doing the stiff leg deadlift and the single leg deadlift. Here is a great demo by Nikkiey Stott showing how to perform the single leg dumbbell deadlift while using one arm as support. In this way, you can better control your center of gravity for proper weight distribution. Nonetheless, contrary to popular belief, a study from PubMed Central through NBCI on “An electromyographic and kinetic comparison of traditional and Romanian deadlifts” shows that the traditional deadlift actually activates more glute fibers than does the Romanian deadlift. Before touching the floor, drive straight back up using your quads while keeping your back and neck neutral, and squeeze your glutes in the top position. Stiff Leg Deadlift Benefits: 1# Bigger & Stronger Legs . Proper deadlifting form and execution not only makes the exercise more effective but also helps keep you safe from injuries. Since the deadlift targets the lower back and hamstrings it can help to reduce injuries to these areas. Doing a standard deadlift can make you feel somewhat restricted. The Romanian deadlift keeps constant tension on the targeted muscles as opposed to the traditional style deadlift. And that is to build mutant strength. So let’s check out the many benefits dumbbell deadlifts have to offer. So basically, to answer the question… which is the better option for you? But in case, you don’t have a barbell and weight plates with you. It offers you the possibility to concentrate all your energy on pumping blood into just glute and hamstring. Strength is your ability to lift heavy weights. This motion puts more stress on the glutes and quads. Repeat for 6 to 12 reps and 3 to 4 sets, or whatever workout routine you may be following. Similarly, the muscles worked by the dumbbell deadlift are the same as the dumbbell deadlift press. The flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis are the gripping muscles in your forearm. One of my favorite conjugate exercises for overall body power is the dumbbell deadlift. So what if your main objective is to build more muscle? Also see my Top 10 Sandbag Lunges for Bigger Glutes & Smaller Waist. While keeping your back and head in a neutral position at all times and your shoulders pulled back and chest out, while actively bending your knees, lower the weights in front of you until they are only a few inches from the floor. The Sumo Dumbbell deadlift will target your glutes differently and in most cases help you feel the stretch more easily since your feet are positioned much wider apart than any of the other deadlifts. Dumbbells are much easier and convenient than a barbell and weight plates.Dumbbells take up very little space and can easily fit into your home or apartment. But this method is incorrect and can cause more strain on your lower back. Like any compound free-weight move, dumbbell deadlifts work your core, but just as with your grip, the strain on your core is greater with the dumbbell deadlift variation than it is when deadlifting a barbell. So for them, a combination of both dumbbell deadlifts and barbell deadlifts may be the preferred option. Let’s take a closer look at how dumbbell deadlifts may possibly benefit you more than the barbell deadlift and the muscles worked. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Increases strength and Stability If you're feeling dumbbell deadlifts in your lower back, it's probably a sign you aren't activating your glutes, notes Ryan Starnes of Integrative Personal Training. Strength training – Full body compound movements make us stronger. We have already learned that when performing deadlifts to grow muscles, it is better to perform exercises that leave your muscles under constant tension. This enables you to put extra attention on a muscle that might be weaker on one side of the body. It is important to feel the stretch in your glutes and hamstrings and get those muscle fibers fired up. Deadlifts are traditionally performed with a barbell. It’s made up of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and the Gluteus Minimus. The muscles worked for the single leg dumbbell deadlift are also the glutes and hamstrings as the primary with marginal lower back and quad muscle activation. You can either bring the weights completely down to the floor and pause a second, or just shy of touching the floor raise back up to the upright position and repeat. Though both compound exercises are very similar in execution and may work the same muscles, using dumbbells may offer more benefits over using barbells. The Deadlift works more muscles than any other exercise, including the squat. This pushes the most blood to your targeted muscles and results in better hypertrophy. The Romanian deadlift has the potential to increase hamstring, glute, and l… If you’re ready to add more resistance or just don’t have dumbbells on hand, you might prefer to do the weighted barbell or Smith machine … Dumbbell Deadlift Benefits Here are some of the training benefits of adding dumbbell deadlifts to your training: Coordination- Anytime you force your body to pick up two objects simultaneously, you are training coordination. Unlike the Romanian dumbbell deadlift, be aware that you will be concentrating more on the negative execution for the stiff leg deadlift. Foot placement should be approximately shoulder-width apart. In an earlier article I discussed thoroughly the importance of hypertrophy trainingfor all athletes, specifically Olympic weightlifters and fitness athletes. These dumbbell exercises are ideal for targeting your quads, glutes, or hamstrings. This means after each lift, you then lower and drop the weight back down to the floor, pause a second or two and then lift again. And then you have athletes and powerlifters whose primary concern is strength and power. Hold either one or two dumbbells straight down in front of you and then lower and raise the weight the same as you would when performing the Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift – actively bending at the knees. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, as well as other affiliates and affiliate networks. So now what if I told you that using dumbbells could be even more beneficial and could provide you with more advantages and flexibility and exercise variations than using just a barbell. The muscles worked for the Romanian dumbbell deadlift are the quads as the primary with marginal lower back and glute muscle activation. For these, your knees remain fixed in a soft, or slightly bent, position and all the movement comes from your hips. If you’ve already performed other leg routines such as leg presses or squats, then you are obviously already warmed up. To simplify, you would hinge and semi-squat until the weight is only a few inches from the floor and immediately return to the upright position and repeat. But is it the best exercise if you are trying to build muscle mass? Plus, if you’re in a crunch, you could start with only the single leg dumbbell deadlift, and buy one dumbbell for the weights you need rather than a set of 2 for each. Depending on your individual needs and fitness goals, you may want to consider performing dumbbell deadlifts if you haven’t already. You'll also engage your core throughout the movement, so it can … Standing straight and holding one dumbbell in front of the leg you will be working out, hold on to something with the other hand for support. Dumbbell deadlifts not only help build muscle and strength but they also contribute to improving your grip while allowing the joints to move more freely than a barbell would. In the above text, the benefits of dumbbell deadlift press workout have been spelt out. Increase more power and strength than dumbbells. Again, it is best to position your feet hip or shoulder-width apart. And never arch or round your back during any of these exercises. But it’s also the least conventional way to do this exercise! As a result, this could lead to unwanted injuries to the elbow or bicep tears. And don’t tilt your head back when you pull back up. However, these are also ideal for building very strong hamstrings and glutes. I strongly believe in using one dumbbell over two since it is safer and adds more stability to the exercise. This exercise is very similar to the Romanian deadlift. This trains the anti-rotation function of your core and works the oblique muscles at the side of your midsection. Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift Benefits You’re probably wondering what the benefits of dumbbell sumo deadlifts are. Romanian Deadlift has a shorter range of motion in comparison to conventional Deadlift, this shorter range of motion acts as a great aid to your weak back. The dumbbell deadlift exercise is a dynamic multi-joint exercise that builds strength in the lower body as well as the back, shoulders, and core. Though both compound exercises are very similar in execution and may work the same muscles, using dumbbells may offer more benefits over using barbells. By doing it, you can engage your hamstrings, quads, glutes, and lower back muscles, just like the barbell version. 3. Your glutes make it possible … Again, always keep your back and head neutral with shoulders pulled back. A great exercise to build overall body strength! For an even more core-orientated dumbbell deadlift, strength coach Tony Gentilcore recommends the suitcase deadlift. Many of you may already be familiar with the proper execution of each dumbbell deadlift workout shown below. Lastly, dumbbell deadlifts will help you work on your grip strength, which can be difficult to maintain especially if you’re lifting heavier weights. A better method is to concentrate more on squeezing your glutes. This means keeping your back straight, not arched back or curved forward. Is the Dumbbell Deadlift better than the Barbell Deadlift? The Sumo dumbbell deadlift is another great way to target your glute muscles. Take for instance the single leg deadlift. Make sure your nonworking arm hangs straight … Even if this exercise may add muscle to your quads over time, it remains a compound exercise. For the greater fitness population, I would say that the dumbbells offer far more advantages. ], How to Make Your Butt Bigger & Rounder [Ultimate Guide]. One of the major muscles the Dumbbell Deadlift is the glutes. For this reason alone, I would say that for the vast majority of women, the dumbbell deadlift is by far the most beneficial and better choice. Is there a better way to do deadlift exercises to build bigger glutes and hamstrings? For this reason, It is always better to go lighter to maintain strict form. Guys, on the other hand, are mostly concerned about how much weight they can lift. Thus, resulting in lower back injuries or muscle tears. Raise back up to the starting position and repeat. He graduated from Peter Symonds College in the UK with A Levels in law, business and sports science, and is a fully qualified personal trainer, sports massage therapist and corrective exercise specialist with accreditations from Premier Global International. Conventional Dumbbell Deadlift Benefits and Variations Conventional deadlifts (demonstrated here with dumbbells by NYC-based trainer Rachel Mariotti) strengthen your entire posterior chain, including your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. The single-leg dumbbell deadlift is an exercise with dumbbells simliar to deadlifts. The glutes are your butt muscles and the muscle group includes your gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Due to the fact that your hands are working independently, gripping dumbbells is harder than gripping a barbell. However, that does not necessarily mean it is the better choice. This can compromise your form and cause your back to round forward. As a result, you can practice focusing on your hamstrings during the deadlift motion. Feel your glutes push our behind you and actively concentrate on producing a good stretch in your glutes and hamstrings as you lower your weights to the floor. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to a gym. You can also either use one or two dumbbells for this DB deadlift. Strong gluteal and hamstring muscles help in other exercises like running, jumping, squatting and deadlifting. With the constant tension you are providing, plus the added stretch and control you have by using dumbbells, you can easily generate the kind of pumps that guarantee hypertrophy. Here are a few deadlift variations that target different muscle groups. The deadlift is perhaps the king of all barbell movements. Bending your arms, especially when using heavier weights, can cause additional stress and tension on the elbow joint and biceps. While you won't be able to lift as much weight as you would with a barbell, dumbbell deadlifts do target slightly different muscles. We write topics that range from weight training tips and exercise routines to home workout machine and fitness related product reviews, to name a few. The single leg dumbbell deadlift can be performed using one or two dumbbells. Tightening your core helps stabilize your body which helps assist in the exercise but also helps keeps you safe from injuries. Deadlift is one of the best exercises for the butt and the … Barbell and dumbbell deadlifts can help to prevent injury due to the specific muscles they strengthen. Promote muscles growth more than dumbbells. However, with the DB deadlift, you can position the bars at any rotation. Unlike the barbell, you can easily adjust your hands or wrist angle to a position that is more comfortable for you. Thus, resulting in muscle growth. However, remember that the traditional deadlift also activates your quads more than the Romanian. As with all deadlifts maintain proper posture and strict form. At the same time, this exercise also has various benefits for the health of the back and can positively influence the attitude. Always keep your core muscles tight when performing deadlifts. Performing this nonstop for 6-10 reps with constant tension on your muscles creates what is known as hypertrophy. Simply put, the better deadlift is the one that best suits your individual needs and fitness goals. This exercise is very similar to the Romanian deadlift except that you position your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. We're Not Talking Plastic-Covered Bells Here. Place your feet anywhere between hip-width and shoulder-width apart. This deadlift is also performed without dropping the weight to the ground and without pausing. This can help you actively lift weights and increase the tension on your hamstrings, which will only increase your gains. Muscle imbalances result in uneven body symmetry, and dumbbells are the perfect solution to remedy this problem. For example, when performing the traditional deadlift you would typically position your hands directly ahead of you around the barbell. Increased full-body strength. You may also want to check STACK for more tips on proper form and how to avoid more common deadlifting mistakes. Start by placing a 30-40 lb dumbbell on the ground between your feet and standing in a shoulder-width stance, with toes pointed out moderately. Concentrate on hinging as you lower the weights. You must keep your knees locked in a slightly bent position. So in this case, you can work each leg separately when using dumbbells for your deadlifts. Stronger quads, and lower the weight ever touch the floor between reps position dumbbells directly beside leg! For most of the body front of your midsection also keeping your spine neutral work each leg when... Can easily adjust your hands are working independently, gripping dumbbells is harder than gripping a barbell We include. Gluteus and hamstrings barbell deadlifts may possibly benefit you more flexibility, and hamstrings known be! Important factors in our posture not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to a public gym quads than. It comes to building bigger glutes and the muscle group includes your Gluteus Maximus Medius. Dumbbell deadlift press the deadlift works your lower body gets a significant workout, its main dumbbell deadlift benefits is! 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