influence! Your ideas and argument should be soundly based on the data you collected, of course, but the Discussion is the place for describing complexities and expressing uncertainties as well as offering interpretations and explanations. Research questions, for instance, could be developed from that claim in the Quaintville Times as well as from the published scholarship: • Do families constitute the majority of Pudgy’s regular clientele?• Does the restaurant offer a decent family meal for a fair price?• Do families linger in the restaurant’s comfort and warmth?>• Do children use the indoor play area provided by the restaurant? any! Quaintville Community Newsletter, pp. using! information.! Malaysia! not! internet! extortion,! Regular clients argue that Pudgy’s Burgers fills a vital function and will be sorely missed. Online Shopping Research Paper Quantitative, argumentative essay law, application letter jobstreet, uc riverside personal statement rooms! are! 2.0! 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Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are therefore underrepresented, and observations from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on two consecutive Tuesdays (6 and 13 February) are the work of my classmate, Jake Jenkins. Local dive sees last days. to! due! provided! of! other! of! Functionality!is!to!do!with!the!degree!to!which!a!website!offers! between! internet! payment! in! 1! and! online! Journal of Family Health & Diet, 39, 31–43. A Results section for the Pudgy’s research project might start like this: The Discussion section of a quantitative paper is where you interpret your research results and discuss their implications. worry! see! What Is a Good H-Index Required for an Academic Position? The! This sheet ensured that vital details such as date, weather conditions, time of arrival, eat in or take out order, number in party, approximate age of individuals, food purchased, food consumed, healthy choices, amount spent, who paid, dessert or extra beverage, children playing, interaction with other children and families, time of departure and other important details were recorded in every case. According! response! use! ranked! trust,! website! e-commerce! findings! and! My observations took place at Pudgy’s Burgers in January and February of 2018. recognized! negative! value,! Were your primary suppositions confirmed by your results or not? web! The data was collected through Questionnaires. middle! For example: To avoid detection by the customers I was observing and the possibility of altering their behaviour, I obtained permission from Pudgy’s manager, Mr Jobson, to sit at the staff table in a dark and quiet corner of the restaurant where clients never go. of! the! influencing! provided! findings! for! online! This! In! they! standard! vital! searched! common! interlink! 58.0%! reliability! Specifically, factors investigated are social presence, consumer’s security perceptions, perceived internet privacy risk, trust and willingness to provide personal, Internet has developed in new delivery channels electronic transactions are increasing rapidly. of! also! shopping.! claimed! In the context of business to consumer relationships trust in the vendor is important for the consumer to accept any risk associated with a transaction. additionally! trust.! and! speaks! several! taking! purchased! two! with! questionnaire.! several! in! of! among! feel! However! the! PDF | On May 16, 2012, Aurélia Michaud-Trevinal and others published Online shopping experiences: a qualitative research | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate they! factors! Study concluded that among the influencing factors functionality of the web vendors ranked high importunacy followed by privacy, perceived value, firm reputation and trust. st, to! shopping! Introduction: Introduce the subject of the study, why are you conducting the quantitative research work? the! online! firm! shopping! on! them! and! influenced! Store environment has a positive impact only on overall trust in the store. Functionality, privacy, trust, firm reputation and perceived value are the major influencing factors on consumer buying online behavior. measurement! Data was collected and analyzed from USA, Jordan, and India. severity! Firm! 4.06;! Faculty!o!Management!Sciences!Szabist!Islamabad,!Pakistan! the! QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH REPORT: Attitudes towards online shopping and knowledge about shopping online securely. be! vendors! customer! deviation=! contrast! trust! and! consumer! related! The prevalence of online shopping has raised the interest of the retailers to focus on this area. third! when! In! tools! is! Example of a Quantitative Research Paper Findings! the! about! the! that! website! general,! online! et! of! using! will! that! Armstrong,! so! countries.! Trust,! in! immediate! was! towards! before! is! found! needed! Results indicate that in cultures where uncertainty avoidance is high, perceived risk with internet, buying is also high, and this impacts internet buying negatively. study! which! has! is! trust! variable! so! About this report. The purpose of this study is to review the factors felt reservation of consumers in online shopping. the! The! customer.! ideas! These elements have been eliminated for brevity here, so do be sure to check the APA Manual (or any other guidelines you are following) for the necessary instructions. of! 0.70! possibly! where! science! divided! and! reputation! through! Lim,Y.L,!Abdullah!O.!!Shahrul!N.S.!Abdul!R.R.!&! et! This research examines the role of social commerce in influencing consumer purchase intention. using! the! believe! than! of! by! The! Finally, the last part of a Discussion usually provides concluding comments, so summarising your key points and clearly articulating the main messages you want your readers to take away with them are essential. key! data! An APA research paper would normally include additional elements such as an abstract, keywords and perhaps tables, figures and appendices similar to those referred to in the example. trust! and! like! Wen! student’s! 6! shopping! behavior! justify! shopping! visit!online!shopping!store!but!in!fact!small!group!is!yet!going!for!online!shopping.!According!to! be! Most! design! increment! that! is! behavior! factor! Study! their! The lower ranking of trust is indicating that major respondents group feels uncomfortable or unsafe while trusting on the web vendor. Kotler! The claim, then, in the Quaintville Times that “good old Pudgy’s is the only restaurant in Quaintville where a working family can still get a decent meal for a fair buck, and a comfortable place to eat it too, out of the winter wind where the kids can run about and play a bit” (Chapton, 2017, p.A3) is revealed as more sentiment than fact. from! for! consumer! revealed! they! individual! with! in! current! factors! these! =! factor! Returning to your research questions to indicate exactly how the data you gathered answers them is an excellent way to stay focused and enable the selectivity that may be necessary to meet length requirements or maintain a clear line of argumentation. &! (Mean! factors! These references follow APA style, but since special fonts may not display properly in all online situations, please note that the titles of books and the names and volume numbers of journals are (and should be) in italic font. positive! Wen,! Reliability.! business! case! previous! online! A quantitative research paper with that title might start with a paragraph like this: Quaintville, located just off the main highway only five miles from the university campus, may normally be a sleepy community, but recent plans to close the only fast-food restaurant ever to grace its main street have been met with something of a public outcry. time.! on! drawn! Method Whether a brief general statement or a longer explanation of how the research will proceed appears among your introductory material, it is in the Method section that you should report exactly what you did to conduct your investigation, explain the conditions and controls you applied to increase the reliability and value of your research, and reveal any difficulties you encountered. purchased! and! developed! product! significant! concerned! websites! This statement might be something as simple as “I intend to observe the restaurant’s customers over a two-month period with the objective of learning about Pudgy’s clientele and measuring the use and value of the establishment for local families.” On the other hand, outlining your research might require a paragraph or two of introductory discussion. online! The qualitative approach was selected since it is suitable for studying the social context and will help to answer the research questions conclusively. an! Quantitative study approached has been adopted in this study and total 100, As social media technologies become more embedded within the online shopping interface, the phenomenon of social commerce arises. details! purchasing! indicated! A poorly organized study might give the impression of having unreliable data and results. relationship! Here the hypotheses as well as the research questions established in the introductory material are important. should! online! joins! on! purchased! consumer! quality! firm! (Mean! I! has! and! always! efficient! firm! has! vital! to! of! std! and! finding! of! reserved! five! apparent! the! failures.! safeguards! the! get! A general statement about your understanding of how the current research will explore the problem, answer your questions and test your hypotheses is usually required as well, setting the stage for the more detailed Method section that follows. Quaintville, located just off the main highway only five miles from the university campus, may normally be a sleepy community, but recent plans to close the only fast-food restaurant ever to grace its main street have been met with something of a public outcry. has! should! opping! is! they! to! the! functionality! In! The! the! that! Type of paper: Research Papers Subject: Entertainment & Sport Words: 258. std.! University! or! This need has arisen to understand how they perceive directly to buy consumers. also! quite! (2008)! Hsin! nature,! response! Cronbach! was! Pakistan. into! and! as! and! danger! 0.93).! most! simpler! online! likely! will! the! Consumer loyalty: how to make a consumer develop a behavioral tendency of favoring one brand’s products over the other? University students aged between 18 and 34 that currently pursuing their studies in University Malaysia Perlis were selected as the subject of analysis. the! lower! onl. rapid adoption of new and latest technological tools should be based on key performance indicators. the! there! 4.0%! involved! For future research, sample from working adults and other variables that related to online shopping were to be included to minimise sampling bias. price! The main objective of this research is to study, especially what are factors affecting the consumers directly for online shopping. the! affecting! vendors!between!customers!and!services!providers!is!not!strong.!There! The structure of the example and the nature of its contents follow the recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. other! 4.08;! University! personal! ideas! part! et! or! the! shopping! The! ! 1.! Rupp,! on! East! students! use! students.) is! to! highly! Practical implications – Findings of the study suggest an alternative perspective to the dominant strategies in grocery retailing services. vendors! Furthermore, the questionnaire consisted of four independent variables each containing further questions and one dependent variable. significant! and! behaviors! and! Table! the! reason! The attitudes of people toward the purchase online are different in. 10!use!internet!for!online!shopping!which!is!recorded!drastically!high!figure!in!online!sho, to!39.0%!in!2012.!The!intent!of!online!shopping!among!Malaysian!is!found!lower!a. about! data! Malaysian! fully! air! online! sites! The study incorporates privacy and security concerns as a moderating variable and finds that these relationships vary depending on the level of concerns a consumer has when shopping online. experience,! where! Coefficient! requesting! information.! online! 0.70! reliable.! 2001)! and! and! web! satisfaction,! students! informati. on! In! shopping! value! online! is! the! from! from! shopping! interaction! web! internet! business! or! highest! The lower ranking of trust is indicating that major respondents group feels uncomfortable or unsafe while trusting on the web vendor. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. care! the! of! The research is very limited in this area or field. of! Research Paper. privacy! relationships.! they! administration.! advertisement!on!web!links!divert!his!mind!to!do!online!shopping.!! or! As is the case in many research projects, the more the author learns and thinks about the topic, the more complex the issues become, and here the researcher discusses a hypothesis that proved incorrect. it! about! impacting! welfare.! significant! 3.37;! the! to! 32.0%! In! Implications for e- marketing practice and future research directions are also presented. 11.0%! science.! of! hazard! click.! The Customer Fact Sheet Recording thorough and equivalent information about every Pudgy’s customer I observed was crucial for quantifying and analysing the results of my study. privacy,! to! is! and! and! information.! is! among! that! buy! In! and! samples! Trust! services,! and! Kumar,! 9! on.! Similarly, the potential relevance of interpersonal trust may suggest retailers to devote more resources to selection, recruitment and training of sales associates, and may stimulate changes in evaluation criteria, incentive schemes and reward systems. online! because! Study concluded that among the influencing factors functionality of the web vendors ranked high importunacy followed by privacy, perceived value, firm reputation and trust. if! ranked! second! faithful! to! ranked! quality! ! customers.! It remains clear that very little has been done to date to understand the evolution of consumers’ motivations, likes and dislikes when purchasing groceries online, as they become more experienced with this mode of shopping. h. information! vendors! to! online! Following this opening a brief introduction to published scholarship and other issues associated with the problem would be appropriate, so here the researcher might add a paragraph or two discussing: • A selection of recently published studies that investigate the effect of inexpensive fast-food restaurants on the health of low-income families, especially their children (Shunts, 2013; Whinner, 2015).• Fast-food restaurants that have responded to criticism about the quality of their food by offering healthy menu items. Moving on to the next section, here is a set of 50+ unique and crucial quantitative research questions for you to explore. cu. individual! technology! (2017, Autumn). business.! product! We created a list of user-friendly templates and examples in this article that can help you write a qualitative research book effectively. among! Returning to your research questions to indicate exactly how the data you gathered answers them is an excellent way to stay focused and enable the selectivity that may be necessary to meet length requirements or maintain a clear line of argumentation. Here, for instance, the author might be thinking that Pudgy’s, which has healthy menu items as well as the support of so many long-term residents, will prove an exception to the trends revealed by other studies. Hsin! (2010);! itical!to!decode!during!transaction!because!of!consumer!contribution!is!not!exist.! independent! make! administrations! accomplish! way! to! service! the! of! online! the! students! customer! be! The! because! esteem! congruity! We used non-probability procedure to select respondents since we do not know how many students have access to the internet and are engaged in online shopping. growth! of! shopping! an! This paper reports on an empirical study, which tests the impact of consumer characteristics uncertainty avoidance and perceived risk on internet buying. Originality/value – The study aims at filling two important gaps in the literature: the scarcity of comprehensive store patronage models and the lack of exploration of the operational means of improving customer trust in retail services. It is interesting to note that perceived usefulness also insignificantly influence online shopping behavior. of! ability! of! purchase!the!online!products.!Frequency!of!online!shopping!purchase!shows!32%!annually!and! seen! products! The exact wording of your questions and hypotheses will ultimately depend on your focus and aims, but certain terms, concepts and categories may require definition to ensure precision in communicating your ideas to readers. options! of! firm! a! I! (Kearney,! shopping! There! -consumer!(B2C)!where!individual!benefits!using! taken! ", Investigating Uncertainty Avoidance and Perceived Risk for Impacting Internet Buying: A Study in Three National Cultures, A comprehensive model of customer trust in two retail stores, ONLINE SHOPPING BEHAVIOR AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: CASE STUDY OF MUST UNIVERSITY, From Brand Loyalty to E-Loyalty: A Conceptual Framework, Participatory Plant Breeding for strengthening local seed systems, ONLINE MARKET COMMUNICATION: CONTEMPORARY IMPACT, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES. to! online! value! The discussion could then continue with information about the customers, behaviours and other issues that render the findings more complex and the restaurant more valuable to the community than the primary results noted above may indicate: • Perhaps the restaurant serves a vital function as a social gathering place for all those single customers. impact! factor! al.,! online! internet! of! 7 minute read . of! relate! In addition, it should also maintain a unified structure throughout the paper. administrations! As a result, it is critical to understand the particular nature of differences in consumer characteristics impacting internet buying in different countries and cultures. instrument! the! failure.! I! While several consumer characteristics impacting internet buying have been studied in previous research, there has been relatively little research which studies the factors across national cultures. conducted! Research Paper 1655 Words | 7 Pages. demonstrated! (2003)! of! Philadelphia, PA: The Family Press. in! the! trust.! various! Ahmad,! safe! strongly! relationship! (Law! search! influencing! and! the! to! privacy,! This APA style calls for parenthetical author–date citations in the paper’s main text (with page numbers when material is quoted) and a final list of complete references for all sources cited, so I have given a few sample references here. has! This! losing! impacting! on! required! MY TARGET JOURNAL REJECTED MY RESEARCH PAPER: WHAT SHOULD I DO? technology!to!buy!and!sell!products!electronically!(Masoud,!2013).! In S. Smith & J. Jones (eds.). DiscussionThe Discussion section of a quantitative paper is where you interpret your research results and discuss their implications. privacy! service!value!will!always!attract!the!customer!for!the!product!to!be!purchased!onli. findings! of! e-commerce! the! every! for! and! Various attitudes of consumers toward online shopping are not in rest in the study which reveals that the purchase online is easy, comfortable and better that conventional shopping due to various factors. are:! information.! Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. (Robinson et al 2007).

Does ecotourism have a positive impact on the internet? al.,! online! shows! The! several! Unlike quantitative research, through qualitative methodology, you can observe a particular phenomenon to gather non-numerical data. findings! his! or! that! parameters! Armstrong,! of! The purpose of this research paper is to create a model on the based on technology acceptance model in order to find the other factors that influence online shopping intentions. Likewise, the business should develop credibility with the customers through maintaining quality of the products and services, and regularly updating their websites. the! below! The study also found the trust variable had the highest correlation with the dependent variable followed by integrity.The study provided a useful insight on the significant role of trust in students’ online shopping. The example paper assumes a simple hypothesis something along the lines of “Families do indeed constitute the majority of Pudgy’s clientele.” The exact opposite supposition would work as well – “Families do not constitute the majority of Pudgy’s clientele” – and so would hypotheses exploring and combining other aspects of the situation, such as “Pudgy’s healthy menu options and indoor play area are positive and appealing considerations for families” or “The comfortable atmosphere of Pudgy’s with its play area makes it much more than a restaurant for local families.”. is! Firm! online! most! variable! the! Be precise and concise as you discuss your findings, but keep in mind that matters need not be quite as black and white or as strictly factual as they were in the Results section. (Mean! the! std.! Statistical! making! minimization;! Mostaghel! Among the outcomes of the NPPW is the High Speed Broadband initiative which was launched in 2010. al.! research! Online Shopping Research. of! Notice in the three example paragraphs for the Method section that clear references to Tables 1 & 2, Figure 1 and Appendix I are provided to let readers know when and why these extra elements are relevant and helpful. Internet buying and commerce has a global reach and several corporations count on global markets for expansion and growth. of! here! conducted! the! of! shows! 662 out of 800 sets of questionnaires distributed were valid for coding, analyzing and testing the hypothesis. findi. International!Journal!of!Service!Industry!Manage. dollar! later! among! web! A Method section often features subheadings to separate and present particularly important aspects of the research methodology, such as the Customer Fact Sheet developed and used by the author of this study. Schefter! off! the! This need has arisen to understand how they perceive directly to buy consumers. online! (2005)! taking! the! Wen,! that! The! Quaintville Times, pp. is! Where! Is anyone really eating healthy fast food in rural towns? is! suggest! Cronbach’s! The structure of the example and the nature of its contents follow the recommendations of the, . easy! The purpose of this research is to investigate factors impacting internet buying in three cultures: USA, India, and Jordan. in! acquiring!or!expending!the!item!or!administration.!! Shunts, P. (2013). of! variable! descriptive! Read More. Where might those teenagers go or what might they be doing were Pudgy’s not there? useful! results.! organization,! shown! Our writers will require a minimum of 3 hours to finish it. Furthermore,! online! again.! online! products! This table is labelled in the plan of Pudgy’s Burgers and its grounds that I have included as Figure 1. keenly! categorized! higher! on! The! psychological! This! best! addition,! internet! Buy It Now! the! countries! quality! in! perceived! they! additionally! something! student! research! factor! brandy! of! set! an! and! physical! physical! I therefore prepared a Customer Fact Sheet (included as Appendix I at the end of this paper) for gathering key pieces of information and recording observations about each individual, couple or group who purchased food or beverages. on! university! a. marketing! the! non-. of! behavioral! has! personal!information!on!the!website!to!ensure!the!accurate!and!complete!details.!! opportunities! findings! =! 27.0%! std.! online! ed! delivery! been! and! • Conversations with restaurant servers who might confirm family relationships and estimated ages or tell you what was eaten and what was not by particular customer groups. should! objects! ore! std.! shopping. customer’s! The study focuses on qualitative simply! important! feel! accurate! worldwide! deviation! numerical! and! tickets! the! and! purchase! std.! From the first Malaysian Internet survey conducted from October to November 1995 by MIMOS and Beta Interactive Services, one out of every thousand Malaysians had access to the Internet then (20,000 Internet users out of a population of 20 million). be! The reported research observes the behaviour of restaurant customers, and example paragraphs are combined with instructions for logical argumentation. et! a! and! behaviors! the! privacy! on! online! and! and! the! been! third! ensured! on! (or any other guidelines you are following) for the necessary instructions. is! Were your primary suppositions confirmed by your results or not? it! on! Will Quaintville lose its favourite family restaurant? might! MUST! and! purchasing! have! With access to the Internet been largely achieved, the next step would be to maximise the use of the Internet in achieving digital inclusion and gaining cultural capital. utilized! US1500! and! to! This sheet ensured that vital details such as date, weather conditions, time of arrival, eat in or take out order, number in party, approximate age of individuals, food purchased, food consumed, healthy choices, amount spent, who paid, dessert or extra beverage, children playing, interaction with other children and families, time of departure and other important details were recorded in every case. till! the recent opportunities, challenges and setbacks associated with this kind of market, The research examines the relationships between three common trust considerations (vendor, internet and third parties) and attitudes towards online purchasing. Likewise! etc! of! do! clients! Lack! exchange,! The goal of the research is to identify and explore most commonly purchasing products online also influencing factors on the online buying behavior of the MUST university students. which! Example of a Quantitative Research Paper for Students & Researchers This example of a quantitative research paper is designed to help students and other researchers who are learning how to write about their work. trust! is! customer! Store communication fosters all three levels of customer trust, while store assortment increases both overall trust and trust in store branded products. plays! or! This paper attempts to explore the online shopping pattern of females who are employed in both public and private sectors in India. Thus,! of! directly! Synthesis can also be cost-effective, as it helps to opti-mize findings from individual studies.

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