Blue California

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Blue California

L-Ergothioneine - The "Longevity Vitamin" for Healthy Aging

L-ergothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid with potent antioxidant properties. L-ergothioneine can be found in trace amounts in a wide variety of foods, though higher levels can be found in certain species of mushrooms, black and red beans, organ meats, and oat bran. Although ergothioneine was discovered about a century ago, there has been a surge of recent interest as seen by a dramatic increase in scientific publications, in part due to the discovery of the ergothioneine transporter (ETT). It has been proposed that L-ergothioneine may have an age-delaying or "longevity" function in addition to a "survival" function. Blue California's ErgoActive®, produced using a proprietary fermentation process, has been shown to slow the rate of telomere shortening in a recent in vitro study. Download the 2021 white paper to uncover all the latest research on L-ergothioneine and its impact on healthy aging.